Saturday, July 10, 2010

Paper Crafts

Time really flies so fast! It's been 10 days since my last blog entry. 10 days ago, I discovered the art of making paper beads. I got so interested in it that most of my online time was spent searching about it and my "not online" time was spent cutting papers (the cutting wasn't easy as I thought it would)! But well, with more practice, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it! Below are the first five paper beads I made!

I also made some handmade bookmarks for my swap partners.

I'm also posting some pictures of paper related crafts that I made before. I bought some greeting cards from a thrift store and I cut the pictures to make scrapbook embellishments. Then I made the borders or blank background of the cards into frames and little somethings like the bags, books, notebooks and cupcakes. I really enjoyed making them!

Attending craft parties at:



  1. Those beads are so cute! I can't wait to see them strung up on a necklace or something! I found you from Fun to Craft.


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