Time to landscape my garden!
I have dreamt of landscaping my garden for such a long time now and finally, these past couple of weeks, the DIY landscaping began.
Although we have quite a large front yard to turn into a beautiful garden, planning the design and the lay-out seems to be harder than I thought. Besides more plants are needed. So, for now, I will settle with the little side areas around the house to work on.
I have finished one area (side of our porch) and is working on with the next one. The weather is not good today, and the forecast is that it's still going to be for the next couple of days. Oh, the weather, really! Just when I am in gardening momentum!
Anyway, here is a photo of my landscaping work. I also did the lighthouse using plastic pots, lampshade candle holder, some paints and nail polish.
I would really love to hear your comments and suggestions.